What We are About
Medicinal mushrooms and herbs grown in the Slocan Valley using regenerative practices to heal people and place
Producing exceptional medicinal mushrooms in the B.C. Kootenays
Lion’s Mane. Shiitake. Cordyceps. Turkey Tail. Reishi.
High quality medicinal mushrooms grown from certified organic mushroom blocks in the Slocan Valley, B.C.

What's in a name?

Asarum Regenerative Farm is named after the Latin word for ginger, asarum.
Regenerative comes from the style of farming we follow – which goes beyond sustainable: sustaining meaning: to keep the same as where we are at; towards regenerative: taking a holistic view towards regenerating the landscape to be more prolific, sustain a more diverse range of species, and be more resilient to enviornmental stress.
More on Regenerative Farming
What does this mean in practice?
At Asarum Regenerative Farm we:
- use no-till farming practices
- grow polyculture vs monoculture
- restore native biodiversity through the Resilient Seed Network seed banks
a roadmap to the future
Asarum Regenerative Farm aims to be your one stop shop for all things medicinal herbs.
We will have acres of polyculturally grown native and medicinal plants, processed on site in our air dryer.